Welcome to our Community!
A vibrant wellness hub designed to empower, inspire, and support a purposeful and holistic life.
Our community is built on the foundation of community and wellness. We offer unique tools for holistic success through our various platforms, including our podcast, Unlimited Fest, exciting events, and the Sunday Nuggets newsletter. We firmly believe wellness is the key to unlocking a truly authentic life. Stay ahead of the curve by signing up for our newsletter and be the first to access all the latest updates about our community.

Welcome to our Community!
A vibrant wellness hub designed to empower, inspire, and support a purposeful and holistic life.
Our community is built on the foundation of community and wellness. We offer unique tools for holistic success through our various platforms, including our podcast, Unlimited Fest, exciting events, and the Sunday Nuggets newsletter. We firmly believe wellness is the key to unlocking a truly authentic life. Stay ahead of the curve by signing up for our newsletter and be the first to access all the latest updates about our community.
Hey GalPal
You Belong Here

Welcome to our Community!
A vibrant wellness hub designed to empower, inspire, and support a purposeful and holistic life.
Our community is built on the foundation of community and wellness. We offer unique tools for holistic success through our various platforms, including our podcast, Unlimited Fest, exciting events, and the Sunday Nuggets newsletter. We firmly believe wellness is the key to unlocking a truly authentic life. Stay ahead of the curve by signing up for our newsletter and be the first to access all the latest updates about our community.

The Wisdom & Wellness
Imagine having a conversation with some of your favourite people, getting to understand them, what makes them tick, and how they have been able to overcome some of life’s greatest challenges. The Wisdom and Wellness Podcast is a safe space for many individuals to share their life journey openly. Listen below to get inspired.
Imagine having a conversation with some of your favourite people, getting to understand them, what makes them tick, and how they have been able to overcome some of life’s greatest challenges. The Wisdom and Wellness Podcast is a safe space for many individuals to share their life journey openly. Listen below to get inspired.
The #1 Female & Wellness podcast with over 1 million downloads
Join our GalPal
Our membership is designed to bring all the Gal Pals together. See below for our membership benefits:
- Access to our Exclusive Content
- Online and in person Events
- Chat feature and access to the GalPal community
Benefits of Membership
- Exclusive Content
- Courses and Challenges
- Community & Chats
- Exclusive Content
- Courses and Challenges
- Community & Chats

- Exclusive Content
- Courses and Challenges
- Community & Chats
- Exclusive Content
- Courses and Challenges
- Community & Chats

- Exclusive Content
- Courses and Challenges
- Community & Chats

I wrote a book!

I can’t wait for you to read it!
Fortified with years of experience, expert marketing testing (I never preach what I haven’t practiced!), and crafted to suit anyone no matter what part of the journey they’re on, my online courses will show you the ropes, help you build out a powerful, personalized strategy for growing your business, and give you a masterful, platform-focused grip on driving profits.
The Content Lab
The Pinterest Lab
The Podcast Lab
The list to launch Lab
"There are a lot of people that I respect, but there are few people in this market that I would choose to spend my personal time with.
Jenna is not only an amazing teacher and one of the top marketers online, but more importantly, she’s the type of person that when you spend time with her, actually inspires you to a become a better person as well.”
- Russell Brunson
just a small town
In case the comparison monster's up to his usual tricks, know this: I'm a small-town Minnesota mom building a business while my baby girls nap. I run marketing meetings with my sweatshirt on inside out. I travel the world with goldfish in my purse. My ADHD means I have 5 to-do lists going at once. My purpose is helping all women wake up to their lives - even if they’re already awake for that 3am feeding session.

Monthly Recaps
with The Babies

My 11 Must Have Baby Items

The Complete guide to traveling with Baby

Sign up for our Sunday Nuggets.
Sunday nuggets are our weekly newsletter offering where Wisdom &
Wellness Founder, Mpoomy Ledwaba gives us her life insights. Imagine having a conversation with your best friend, getting all the feels, and leaving feeling like ‘ agh Ineeded that so much’ the nuggets are exactly that. Sign up to save your spot for the next nugget.

Hi, I am Mpoomy
Here are 10 facts about me:
1. I was born and raised in a small town called Middelburg; it’s so small that everyone references the town next to it, ‘Emalahleni’, to try to make sense of where it is.
2. My mother forced me to attend speech and drama classes when I was young to help me with stage confidence. I was always bored, and I didn’t understand why, but she saw something I would need for my career. 🙂
3. My favourite hobby is walking, just walking alone in nature and fresh air! I prioritise my daily hobby, whether for 15 minutes, an hour, or more. It’s my favourite way of filling my cup.
4. I accepted the Lord at the age of 13, was baptised at 14, and joined the church choir as the youngest member to ever lead a song at a Sunday service.
5. I started drinking coffee because of my husband, and now I absolutely love coffee! A cappuccino with oat milk, to be exact, and a maximum of two short cups a day, no more and hopefully no less.
6. I love hard, trust easily and get hurt pretty badly. I tried to change, but love is always worth the risk for me. 🙂
7. I am an introvert, and the older I get, the more extreme it gets! For every 5 hours spent with people, I need 10 hours by myself to recoup, hahaha! I love people, but I love my time alone, too, a little more than most people.
8. I used to own a cleaning business and became a nail technician until I opened a nail salon and stopped doing nails. I also got bored!
9. My best ideas come from a long flight when everyone is sleeping
10. I love books. I love buying books for everyone I love. I spend a lot of money on books and feel no guilt, it’s my way of enjoying all the hard work I do.

Hi, I am Mpoomy
Here are 10 facts about me:
1. I was born and raised in a small town called Middelburg; it’s so small that everyone references the town next to it, ‘Emalahleni’, to try to make sense of where it is.
2. My mother forced me to attend speech and drama classes when I was young to help me with stage confidence. I was always bored, and I didn’t understand why, but she saw something I would need for my career. 🙂
3. My favourite hobby is walking, just walking alone in nature and fresh air! I prioritise my daily hobby, whether for 15 minutes, an hour, or more. It’s my favourite way of filling my cup.
4. I accepted the Lord at the age of 13, was baptised at 14, and joined the church choir as the youngest member to ever lead a song at a Sunday service.
5. I started drinking coffee because of my husband, and now I absolutely love coffee! A cappuccino with oat milk, to be exact, and a maximum of two short cups a day, no more and hopefully no less.
6. I love hard, trust easily and get hurt pretty badly. I tried to change, but love is always worth the risk for me. 🙂
7. I am an introvert, and the older I get, the more extreme it gets! For every 5 hours spent with people, I need 10 hours by myself to recoup, hahaha! I love people, but I love my time alone, too, a little more than most people.
8. I used to own a cleaning business and became a nail technician until I opened a nail salon and stopped doing nails. I also got bored!
9. My best ideas come from a long flight when everyone is sleeping
10. I love books. I love buying books for everyone I love. I spend a lot of money on books and feel no guilt, it’s my way of enjoying all the hard work I do.